Friday, August 28, 2020

Culture and Artificial Intelligence

Let culture be a set of codes shared by groups of people who recognize them as a common ground for understanding each other. These codes are nothing but a set of rules that organize all human interactions among members of a community. One of its functions is to give a sense of cohesion and direction to human groups. Cultural manifestations can be very obvious such as the rituals for births, marriages, and deaths. There are also more nuanced examples, like the ways in which we greet, or the set of guidelines that define what is acceptable as normal.

Cultures are living entities that change across time and space. Its devises and mechanisms form systems that regulate the behavior of people who belong to certain communities. Some cultures are closely related to geography, language, and religion. However, all these things can be contingent to trade, technology, migration and, in extremis, war.

Let’s take one example from the beginning of the modern European Imperial expansion. The Spanish and Portuguese, propelled by their own multicultural interactions and conflicts, with the Arab world and the Northern European nomadic groups, developed very efficient naval technologies and armies that were used to trade and finally conquest. For three centuries these two nations developed fast and efficient ships that were used to expand the Roman way of doing things and trade across all the nations of the world.

An individual example is the Philippine Archipelago, formed by numerous islands and nations that have been subjected to multiple intercultural interactions across the centuries. With their initial appearance in the world stage as traders with China, and later as a Spanish colony administered from Mexico City. During these period, 400 hundred years, its population had to adopt the Spanish culture and religion.  The end of this era came in 1898, when Madrid lost its control due to the Spanish American War. After which the Archipelago turned into an American colony. (Wikipedia)

As a result of these interactions the Island had to change several times its cultural ways. From speaking local indigenous languages, such as Tagalog, to having Spanish names and last names, to speaking English and changing their ways to govern. By 1946, when it finally got its independence from the United States, the Philippino culture experienced several transformations that created a multicultural country very distinct within the Asian pacific islands’ context.

Some more centuries have elapsed, and all these dynamics are still present in our world. Cultures are still changing and evolving. Today war and conquest are less common than before. Religion was dormant in several regions and is starting to become more important, as when the Roman Empire fell. Trade became the main driver of cultural change after the Second World War, and after the fall of the Berlin Wall the production of culture itself was the main driver of cultural change.

Cultural production evolved from printed material, to radio and television waves and now to personal devices that allow us to create cultural content that is instantly shared with people from all ages, ethnicities, and places.

Social media has become the main channel for cultural propagation which, at the same time, has become the main and most powerful game changer. As social media permeates almost every single community due to the falling costs of devises, and the need to be continuously connected.

Ubiquity, flexibility and timeliness are its superpowers. These facts have not been neglected by tech companies. Great efforts have been done to harness them to understand the users data and behavior, and lately, to develop artificial empathy.

This means that your devises are not just trying to organically react to your likes and clicks but also to your emotions. AI does it based on your eye movement, your micro gestures, your words and voice inflexions, and your text messages.

All these interactions generate a dynamic environment in which your Tweeter timeline, your Instagram wall, your Facebook profile and your Tik Tok account, exchange information with each other, your followers and friends’ profiles and many other enterprises and institutions. These exchanges happen following a series of rules designed by engineers and scientists to maximize the utility of their organizations.

We should not think that these technologies are culture blind. They include its designers’ biases, either consciously or not, into the selection mechanisms to push brands, topics, stories, and people towards virality. Furthermore, AI is capable to either, boost, blow or generate, a trend, by strategically deviating traffic towards certain messages or players. All of these happens invisibly in front of our eyes.

This guides us to ask ourselves: To what extent are we the leading force of cultural change in our communities? Is it true that even communities with limited contacts with “foreign” cultures are exempted of this process? Are we really empowered to control the direction of our own cultures?

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Reflexiones sobre Nuestro Mundo controlado por La Inteligencia Artificial

La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) ha tomado el control de forma gradual y casi imperceptible de todos los aspectos de la experiencia humana. El software desarrollado para dar a conocer el Internet de las cosas (IoT), poco a poco, ha penetrado en todas las dimensiones posibles de cada actividad y tema. Es omnisciente y capaz de evaluar desde lo arriesgado que es conducir hasta la frecuencia con la que usas el baño durante el día, entre muchas otras cosas. El software de inteligencia artificial ha alcanzado niveles de automatización asombrosos que permiten a empresas, gobiernos y otras organizaciones dudosas determinar, con niveles de confianza muy altos, cuánto te gusta el café, qué tan propensa es tu pareja a abandonarte o si tu embarazo va a terminar bien. No solo eso, los algoritmos de IA han desarrollado la capacidad de recopilar e integrar dinámicamente todas estas partes de información en un modelo digital de ti mismo que interactúa cada segundo con tu yo real. Al mismo tiempo, otorga a terceros un poder sin precedentes sobre tu comportamiento y el comportamiento de otras personas e instituciones. Todos interactuamos en base a ese ciclo de retroalimentación interminable. Todo esto ha sucedido con nuestra aprobación pasiva, perezosa e ignorante durante las primeras etapas y ocurre recientemente sin tu conocimiento o consentimiento. Sus objetivos difieren según las distintas dimensiones de tu persona e impactan jurisdicciones y espacios generales que brindan a ciertos jugadores exclusivos la habilidad para generar, también, un modelo digital del mundo. Con todo esto en mente, surgen varias preguntas: ¿Hasta qué punto estos mecanismos moldean deliberadamente las identidades de las personas? ¿Cuál es el tamaño del espacio que les queda al libre albedrío, la libre asociación, la libertad de expresión y la independencia intelectual? ¿Cuánto poder otorgan estos mecanismos a los individuos y grupos, que tienen acceso para manipularlos, diseñarlos y calibrarlos directamente? ¿Quién se asegura de que estas personas y grupos no se vuelvan deshonestos? ¿Cómo están cambiando estos artefactos la forma en que amamos, cogemos, compramos, viajamos, comemos, intercambiamos, dormimos, bebemos, trabajamos y valoramos? ¿En qué medida estos algoritmos de IA han cambiado ilegalmente la provisión, el acceso y la gestión reales de la seguridad, la salud, la justicia y los ingresos? ¿Cuál es el paradigma que utilizan para administrar recompensas y castigos entre actores? ¿Qué tan justos y éticos son los resultados? ¿Cómo se tratan y valoran las visiones del mundo y los comportamientos únicos, extremos o fuera de lo común? ¿Cómo afectan estos algoritmos a los sistemas naturales y evolutivos en el tiempo y el espacio? ¿Estamos seguros de que seremos capaces de sobrevivir a esta nueva era orgánica frenética, en su mayoría sin supervisión y desconectada, de planificación semi-central de múltiples nodos? Y, lo que es más importante, ¿realmente queremos o necesitamos esto?


Thoughts and reflections around our Artificial Intelligence directed Brave New World?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has gradually and almost unnoticeably taken control of every aspect of human experience.

The software developed to unveil the Internet of Things (IoT) has, little by little, permeated every possible dimension of every activity and topic. Its omniscient and capable to evaluate from how risky your driving is to how often you use the toilet during the day, among many other things.

AI software has reached astonishing automation levels that allow enterprises, governments, and other doubtful organizations to determine, with very high confidence levels how much you do like coffee, how prone your partner is to abandon you or if your pregnancy is going to end well.

Not only that, AI algorithms have developed the capacity to dynamically gather and integrate all these parts of information into a digital model of yourself that interacts on every second basis with your real you. At the same time granting third parties unprecedent power over your behavior and other people’s and institutions behavior. We all interact based on that never-ending feedback loop.

All these has happened with our passive, lazy and ignorant approval during the fist stages and must recently without your knowledge or consensus.

Their objectives differ across dimensions of your persona and impact general jurisdictions and spaces that provide certain and extremely limited players to generate, as well, a digital model of the world.

With all these in mind, several questions arise:

To what extent do these mechanisms deliberately shape people’s identities?

What is the size of the space that they have left to free will, free association, free speech, and intellectual independence?

How much power do these mechanisms grant to individuals and groups, who have access to directly manipulate, design, and calibrate them?

Who is making sure these people and groups are not getting rogue?

How are these artifacts changing the way in which we love, fuck, buy, travel, eat, exchange, sleep, drink, work and value?

To what extent do these AI algorithms have unlawfully changed the actual provision, access and management of security, health, justice, and income?

What is the paradigm that they use to administer rewards and punishments across actors? How fair and ethical the outcomes are?

How are unique, extreme, or out of the box world views and behaviors being treated and valued?

How do these algorithms impact natural and evolutionary systems across time and space?

Are we sure we are going to be able to survive this frantic and mostly unsupervised and disconnected organic new era of multiple node semi-central planning?

And must importantly, do we really want or need this?